Thermoproteus tenax

16S gene count:1
23S gene count:1

Data source record id:rrnDBv3-1675
Data source organism name:Thermoproteus tenax
NCBI BioSample:n/a
NCBI BioProject:n/a
NCBI taxid:2271
NCBI taxonomic lineage:Archaea|2157|superkingdom; Crenarchaeota|28889|phylum; Thermoprotei|183924|class; Thermoproteales|2266|order; Thermoproteaceae|2267|family; Thermoproteus|2270|genus; Thermoproteus tenax|2271|species
RDP taxonomic lineage:n/a
Curator:Zaraz M. Lee, (2009), PubMed PMID: 18948294
Evidence:Determined from Southern hybridization with 16S and 23S rRNA gene-encoding probes.
Note:The 5S rRNA gene is not transcribed from the same promoter as the 16S-23S rRNA gene cassette.
PubMed PMID Reference
2439991 Kjems J, Leffers H, Garrett RA, Wich G, Leinfelder W, Böck A. (1987). Gene organization, transcription signals and processing of the single ribosomal RNA operon of the archaebacterium Thermoproteus tenax. Nucleic Acids Res. 15(12):4821-35.