Thermomonospora chromogena ATCC 43196

16S gene count:6
23S gene count:5

Data source record id:rrnDBv3-1524
Data source organism name:Thermomonospora chromogena ATCC 43196
NCBI BioSample:n/a
NCBI BioProject:n/a
NCBI taxid:35622
NCBI taxonomic lineage:Bacteria|2|superkingdom; Actinobacteria|201174|phylum; Actinobacteria|1760|class; Streptosporangiales|85012|order; Thermomonosporaceae|2012|family; Thermomonospora|2019|genus; Thermomonospora chromogena|35622|species
RDP taxonomic lineage:n/a
Curator:Zaraz M. Lee, (2009), PubMed PMID: 18948294
Note:rrnD, rrnE, rrnF possess complete 16S-23S-5S operons; rrnB & rrnC possess 16S-23S operons; rrnA possesses a single 16S;
PubMed PMID Reference
10464188 Yap WH, Zhang Z, Wang Y (1999). Distinct types of rRNA operons exist in the genome of the actinomycete Thermomonospora chromogena and evidence for horizontal transfer of an entire rRNA operon. J Bacteriol. 181(17):5201-9.