Campylobacter jejuni 4483

16S gene count:3
23S gene count:3

Data source record id:rrnDBv3-1478
Data source organism name:Campylobacter jejuni 4483
NCBI BioSample:n/a
NCBI BioProject:n/a
NCBI taxid:197
NCBI taxonomic lineage:Bacteria|2|superkingdom; Proteobacteria|1224|phylum; delta/epsilon subdivisions|68525|subphylum; Epsilonproteobacteria|29547|class; Campylobacterales|213849|order; Campylobacteraceae|72294|family; Campylobacter|194|genus; Campylobacter jejuni|197|species
RDP taxonomic lineage:n/a
Curator:Zaraz M. Lee, (2009), PubMed PMID: 18948294
Evidence:estimated based on 16S, 23S and ITS rRNA-encoding probes
PubMed PMID Reference
1350583 Kim NW, Bingham H, Khawaja R, Louie H, Hani E, Neote K, Chan VL (1992). Physical map of Campylobacter jejuni TGH9011 and localization of 10 genetic markers by use of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. J Bac. 174(11):3494-8.