16S gene count: | 4 |
Data source record id: | rrnDBv3-1428 |
Data source organism name: | Anabaenopsis sp. PCC9215 |
NCBI BioSample: | n/a |
NCBI BioProject: | n/a |
NCBI taxid: | 165800 |
NCBI taxonomic lineage: | Bacteria|2|superkingdom; Cyanobacteria|1117|phylum; Nostocales|1161|order; Nostocaceae|1162|family; Anabaenopsis|110103|genus; Anabaenopsis sp. PCC 9215|165800|species |
RDP taxonomic lineage: | n/a |
Curator: | Zaraz M. Lee, et.al. (2009), PubMed PMID: 18948294 |
Evidence: | estimated based on 16S rRNA-encoding gene probe |
References: |
Iteman I, Rippka R, Tandeau de Marsac N, Herdman M. (2002). rDNA analyses of planktonic heterocystous cyanobacteria, including members of the genera Anabaenopsis and Cyanospira. Microbiology. 148(2):481-96. |