16S gene count: | n/a |
23S gene count: | 7 |
Data source record id: | rrnDBv3-1409 |
Data source organism name: | Acinetobacter sp. DSM587 |
NCBI BioSample: | n/a |
NCBI BioProject: | n/a |
NCBI taxid: | 472 |
NCBI taxonomic lineage: | Bacteria|2|superkingdom; Proteobacteria|1224|phylum; Gammaproteobacteria|1236|class; Pseudomonadales|72274|order; Moraxellaceae|468|family; Acinetobacter|469|genus; Acinetobacter sp.|472|species |
RDP taxonomic lineage: | n/a |
Curator: | Zaraz M. Lee, et.al. (2009), PubMed PMID: 18948294 |
Evidence: | estimated based on 23S rRNA-encoding probe, only one 16S rRNA gene was sequenced |
References: |
Stratz M, Mau M, Timmis KN (1996). System to study horizontal gene exchange among microorganisms without cultivation of recipients. Mol Microbiol. 22(2):207-15. |