Acinetobacter sp. DSM587

16S gene count:n/a
23S gene count:7

Data source record id:rrnDBv3-1409
Data source organism name:Acinetobacter sp. DSM587
NCBI BioSample:n/a
NCBI BioProject:n/a
NCBI taxid:472
NCBI taxonomic lineage:Bacteria|2|superkingdom; Proteobacteria|1224|phylum; Gammaproteobacteria|1236|class; Pseudomonadales|72274|order; Moraxellaceae|468|family; Acinetobacter|469|genus; Acinetobacter sp.|472|species
RDP taxonomic lineage:n/a
Curator:Zaraz M. Lee, (2009), PubMed PMID: 18948294
Evidence:estimated based on 23S rRNA-encoding probe, only one 16S rRNA gene was sequenced
PubMed PMID Reference
8930906 Stratz M, Mau M, Timmis KN (1996). System to study horizontal gene exchange among microorganisms without cultivation of recipients. Mol Microbiol. 22(2):207-15.