endosymbiont of unidentified scaly snail isolate Monju

16S gene count:1

Data source record id:GCF_000801295.1 (NCBI assembly accession)
Data source organism name:endosymbiont of unidentified scaly snail isolate Monju
NCBI BioSample:SAMD00061055
NCBI BioProject:PRJNA224116
NCBI taxid:1248727
NCBI taxonomic lineage:Bacteria|2|superkingdom; Pseudomonadota|1224|phylum; Gammaproteobacteria|1236|class; endosymbiont of unidentified scaly snail isolate Monju|1248727|species
RDP taxonomic lineage:Bacteria|domain; Pseudomonadota|phylum; Gammaproteobacteria|class
Evidence:Machine processing of NCBI genome assembly data.