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Listing of all 40604 records

genomes Range Mode Median Mean Std dev
40604 1 - 21 7 6.0 5.4 2.8
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Data source record id Data source organism name NCBI scientific name (mouse over) RDP taxa 16S copies
GCF_027594405.1 Zunongwangia sp. HRR-M8
Zunongwangia (genus) 4
GCF_027594425.1 Zunongwangia sp. HGR-M22
Zunongwangia (genus) 4
GCF_011745665.1 Zophobihabitans entericus
Zophobihabitans (genus) 4
GCF_003111645.1 Parazoarcus communis
Zoogloeaceae (family) 4
GCF_003111665.1 Parazoarcus communis
Zoogloeaceae (family) 4
GCF_000973105.1 Zobellia galactanivorans
Zobellia (genus) 2
GCF_029323795.1 Zobellia alginiliquefaciens
Zobellia (genus) 3
GCF_030553095.1 Zobellia laminariae
Zobellia (genus) 3
GCF_002407485.1 Zobellella denitrificans
Zobellella (genus) 8
GCF_022760175.1 Zhouia spongiae
Zhouia (genus) 3
GCF_001586255.1 Zhongshania aliphaticivorans
Zhongshania (genus) 3
GCF_004353525.1 Zhaonella formicivorans
Zhaonella (genus) 5
GCF_008000755.1 Youhaiella tibetensis
Youhaiella (genus) 2
GCF_002158905.1 Yoonia vestfoldensis
Yoonia (genus) 2
GCF_038069655.1 Yoonia sp. BS5-3
Yoonia (genus) 2
GCF_012109195.1 Yokenella regensburgei
Yokenella (genus) 7
GCF_021165735.1 Yinghuangia sp. ASG 101
Yinghuangia (genus) 4
GCF_017654605.1 Yimella sp. cx-51
Yimella (genus) 2
GCF_002951615.1 Rahnella sikkimica
Yersiniaceae (family) and Rahnella (genus) 8
GCF_002285855.1 Candidatus Hamiltonella defensa (Bemisia tabaci)
Yersiniaceae (family) 3
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** Some records inherited from rrnDB 3.1.277 only have copy number information for the 23S rRNA but not the 16S rRNA. In these cases, indicated by "n/a", a 16S copy number interpolated from the 23S count is used when searching by 16S copy number, in the above statistics display and when sorting the above table by the 16S column.