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Listing of all 40604 records

genomes Range Mode Median Mean Std dev
40604 1 - 21 7 6.0 5.4 2.8
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Data source record id Data source organism name NCBI scientific name (mouse over) RDP taxa 16S copies
GCF_002549835.1 Acetobacter tropicalis
Acetobacter (genus) 5
GCF_003323795.1 Acetobacter sp. JWB
Acetobacter (genus) 5
GCF_003391275.1 Acetobacter pomorum
Acetobacter (genus) 5
GCF_004014775.2 Acetobacter oryzoeni
Acetobacter (genus) 5
GCF_008365315.1 Acetobacter vaccinii
Acetobacter (genus) 5
GCF_009914215.2 Acetobacter pasteurianus
Acetobacter (genus) 5
GCF_014218315.1 Acetobacter aceti
Acetobacter (genus) 4
GCF_037901235.1 Acetobacter sp. AC2005
Acetobacter (genus) 5
GCF_023243115.1 Sediminicoccus sp. KRV36
Acetobacteraceae (family) 2
GCF_025736875.1 Candidatus Kirkpatrickella diaphorinae
Acetobacteraceae (family) 3
GCF_035199985.1 Nguyenibacter sp. L1
Acetobacteraceae (family) 4
GCF_000247605.1 Acetobacterium woodii DSM 1030
Acetobacterium (genus) 5
GCF_023700225.1 Acetobacterium wieringae
Acetobacterium (genus) 5
GCF_025813735.1 Acetobacterium wieringae
Acetobacterium (genus) 5
GCF_000144695.1 Acetohalobium arabaticum DSM 5501
Acetohalobium (genus) 5
GCF_000266925.1 Acetomicrobium mobile DSM 13181
Acetomicrobium (genus) 2
GCF_900465355.1 Candidatus Bipolaricaulis anaerobius
Acetothermia_genera_incertae_sedis (genus) 1
GCF_000018785.1 Acholeplasma laidlawii PG-8A
Acholeplasma (genus) 2
GCF_000967915.1 Paracholeplasma brassicae
Acholeplasma (genus) 4
GCF_000968055.1 Alteracholeplasma palmae J233
Acholeplasma (genus) 2
  • 40604 records,
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** Some records inherited from rrnDB 3.1.277 only have copy number information for the 23S rRNA but not the 16S rRNA. In these cases, indicated by "n/a", a 16S copy number interpolated from the 23S count is used when searching by 16S copy number, in the above statistics display and when sorting the above table by the 16S column.